There are many reasons for
students or for a person to learn English. Some students needs English for a
specific purpose and is our responsibly to easily provide the correct learning
environment and detect all learners differences.
Harmer has written about the different
age groups, about importance in every stage and what we should be careful with,
also he has written about learner differences, learner styles and language
levels which also are one of the most important basics working with our
students. The importance on creating a desire to learn by motivating our
students and provoke them curiosity to stay interested in learning, the real
motivation come from within each individual, from the students themselves.
I agree with Jeremy, because our
students' age is one of the important things which we should find out before we
start to work in a class. Because “people of different ages have different
needs, competences, and cognitive skills" which teacher should remember.
Children are not as experienced as adults are so teacher cannot use the same
level of language and methods to all groups. I can clearly relate all this with
my teaching practicum experience in which the mentor teacher used the same
strategies and learning styles for all levels. We as future teachers have to
understand that the purposes students have for learning will have an effect as
a result influenced of what they are taught. Our main goal as teacher is to
provide the correct motivation and knowledge to educate our pupils with the
correct tools they deserve.